In June this year I was invited to take part in the Festival of Weaving 2017 at Kattrup Gods, Jyderup in West Zealand. I was to be one of three weavers teaching and demonstrating their own way of weaving and the tools they use.
I was asked to teach the Weavers of West Zealand (Vævere i Vestsjælland) and other weavers my One Warp, Infinite Designs way of weaving.This is a way of weaving many, many different designs using the same warp threading. It is made possible because for this weaving I use a computer dobby loom to weave and weaving software to design and store the designs. The interface between loom and software is a black box mounted on the side of the loom which I connect to my laptop and which reads the design, pick by pick, and passes the instruction to the loom. which means I still weave by hand but the computer and loom interface manage the complex shaft lifting which is sometimes so complex that I could never remember the sequence.
For this I was going to need a specialist loom. At home I weave with a 130 cm wide, 32 shaft Louet Megado, but in Denmark there was not one to be found, so what were we to do. The Weavers House (Vævernes Hus) was so keen to bring this method of weaving to Denmark and show their weavers what the possibilities of weaving in this way could be!
Well, I have a long standing relationship with Louet. All my looms bar one are made by Louet and I love working on their looms. So I contacted them to see if they could help us to locate a suitable loom. And I am proud to say that the Dutch loom manufacturer were magnificent as they offered to provide The Weaving House with a Louet Megado computer dobby loom (one which they were retiring from their showroom) – which is now happily living in the weaving studio in Kattrup – for me to demonstrate on.
This series of articles tell a little bit about the time I spent there.
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