The ‘Ziggurat’ design takes its inspiration from the ancient Ziggurats and the iconic ziggurat motif that was one of the great classic design elements of the Art Deco movement.

The original Ziggurats were terraced, flat-topped and tapered, step pyramids and temples. Good examples are the Early Bronze age Great Ziggurat of Ur in ancient Sumeria, the even earlier Egyptian Pyramid of Djoser built in the 27th century B.C. and the equally ancient step pyramids in Caral in Peru. They are said to be the oldest large scale constructions to be built with cut stone.

Following the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb and the excavations of ancient pyramids in Egypt a sudden craze developed for all things Egyptian. As a result the motif came to influence architects and designers alike and can be found in the towering skyscrapers, theatres, furniture, ceramics and textiles of the Art Deco period.